Thursday, April 16, 2009

Teeth Grinding?

Is there any way to get a child to stop grinding their teeth? I%26#039;ve told him to stop. He just keeps doing it.

Teeth Grinding?
My 4 year old grinds his teeth all the time. I went to a childrens dentist and she told me that there is nothing I can do about it whilst he is this young. She also told me that because they are only his baby teeth that it isn%26#039;t too much of a concern. If he is still doing this once all his adult teeth are through a retainer plate can be made up so it will prevent damage to his teeth.
Reply:Nobody knows for sure what causes teeth grinding, but they say tension or anxiety, pain (from earaches or teething, for example), and malocclusion (a dental term for when the teeth don%26#039;t line up just right) can cause it. Doctors also suggest that allergies may play a role. There%26#039;s also some evidence that pinworms are sometimes the culprit. Finally, he may just be getting used to the sensation of having teeth in his mouth.

Although the noise is probably disconcerting, most likely you%26#039;ll just have to wait for him to grow out of it. In the meantime, it won%26#039;t hurt to work on a soothing bedtime routine--maybe a leisurely soak in the tub, a little back rub, or extra cuddling in the rocking chair. If he%26#039;s teething or has an ear infection, consider giving him the proper dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen to ease the discomfort.
Reply:I grinded my teeth when I was younger just guy a football mouth-gaurd so when they go to sleep you won%26#039;t hear it at all
Reply:they can not stop at a say so. my son, when he was younger and through his teens, and his son now, are teeth grinders.I found when they are overtired, they grind. My nieghbor has to wear teeth guards, to stop hers, and she is in her 50%26#039;s.
Reply:teeth grinding is totally natural up to age like 3 or 4 it is proven. My daughter does the same thing souonds like she is chewing rocks sometimes.....
Reply:Teeth grinding is not something they can stop on command. caused by stress, tension, teeth clenching also at this age. Talk to your pediatrician before getting a mouth guard. not knowing your son%26#039;s age, he might be too young to have one at night.
Reply:i also had this problem with my daughter and i was told to just ignore it. The more attention you draw to it the longer it will last. It isn%26#039;t harmful to there teeth and it is usually just a phase. go to and look it up there. I hope this helps


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